The quality of the bolting was awesome. some truely good work by the guys developing the area.
Below is a sample of photos of the places we managed to see.
Baby Frog Butress [蝌蚪岩區圖]
The view from Baby Frog Butress [蝌蚪岩區圖]
Rei climbing what I think is Liar (5.9)
A short detour, up some stairs from the car park nearest to the wall took us through a small pagoda-style pavillion down past more fields and then to the river with a swathe of bamboo boats waiting and a good number of bamboo boats floating past
The Egg [公鸡蛋山], the North Face [北面]
The 'master' casually waiting for a climb, with some fantastic karst scenery in the background
[Left]All the kings horses (5.9) [Right] Rooster Booster (5.10a) a nice left face corner at the end for a bit of stemming joy - we actually met the guy (Bob Keaty) who set the route a little later...
Paddy fields - and some *tiny* water buffalo
The 'master' (I miss heard 'monster' but nevermind) taking 'Chuck if ya want to' (5.11d, 7a) in his stride...
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